Thursday, August 2, 2007

Think Small

Why is it so much easier to think aloud on paper, virtual or no, if the writing area is small?

For the same reason, partly, that a doodle is easier to execute than a full-size portrait: anyone can dash off just one little old line, right? (True, but only a witty person can make you glad he did.) No, that’s not the reason: When I started this blog and the post box appeared, its ~ 2x6” visual open area seemed to say, “You don’t have to write the Great American Novel, just a decent paragraph.” Takes all the pressure off: "Oh, OK! I don't have to be a great writer; I can just say what I mean."

Now that I recognize that, I also see the danger of verbosity. So en garde, self — but en avant.

But speaking of “witty” reminded me of a quote I snatched — probably from my A.Word.A.Day e-mail, but it could have been from a GunIssues (pro-2nd Amendment), Witches’ MeetUp, Mullings, Circle of Crones, PatriotPost, Pagan Pride Day planning group or Mensa e-list post or James Taranto's column — for my random sig quote collection the other day that is pertinent: Saith Aristotle, “Wit is educated insolence.”

And brevity is its soul.

Enjoy the little devil at top. His name is "Horned One," and I created and copyrighted him in 2006. If you were going to colorize him, what color(s) would you choose?

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