Friday, November 2, 2007

"Do witches even celebrate Halloween?"

Happy Samhain and Halloween from Star Ranch!

Man, a FOXNews female bobble-head pissed me off the morning of Samhain, making "topical" news out of a for-profit "Witch School" someone has started up North so people can learn to worship the Goddess "properly." (That's a whole different subject, on which more anon.) With a perfectly straight face, this nitwit blonde anchor asked, "Do witches even celebrate Halloween?"

That's like asking, "Do Christians even celebrate Christmas?" Pagans (which broad label includes but is not imited to Witches) invented Samhain, long before the Chrstians co-opted the sun-god's and Mithras' birthday celebrations to divert everyone's attention by celebrating Jesus the Christ's birth three whole months early!

I wish just one of the infotainer talking heads on news stations these days would pretend to be a journalist and actually do a story instead of just reading the TelePrompTer -- do some research instead of striving for the easy laugh and the memorable sound bite.

We are accepting a lot of crap as actual factual news, and it is warping the way we think about life. More on this later, but for now ask yourself: Isn't most of the stuff hidden down in the crawl these days more important than whatever the anchor is laughing about?

(Today's artwork is a jack-o-lantern that Mo drew and I cut. Hope your New Year is a wonderful one!)

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